Step-by-Step Guide to Making a Feature Movie

  • By : admin
  • Post On :15-07-2024

Making a feature film is Australia is a huge undertaking that requires the balancing of artistry, logistics, teamwork and creativity. The journey involves potential challenges and obstacles in each step. Thus, it becomes crucial to plan everything ahead to transform a cinematic dream to life.

From conceptualisation to pre-production, production to distribution, the film making process needs attention-to-detail planning to create a masterpiece. That’s why reliable production house in Melbourne, Victoria focus on considering key steps to mitigate potential risk factors and achieve desired results.

In today’s guide, we will discover the cinematic voyage and understand intricate journey involved in the film making process:

Step 1: Conceptualisation & Development

These are the initial steps that allow you to brainstorm your ideas and set the theme, story and tone for your feature film.

  • Idea Generation: A unique storyline is the soul of any feature film. So, start by drawing inspiration from different sources and develop a unique conception for your targeted audience.
  • Screenplay writing: It is the blueprint of any film. A production house in Melbourne hires professional and trained writers to draft characters, narratives, dialogues and scenes according to the story and bring them to life on screen.
  • Budgeting and Financing: It is the responsibility of producers to raise funds or secure investments from independent investors, crowdfunding platforms or their own resources to make a full-fledged feature film.

Step 2: Pre-Production Stage

This includes the following tasks:

  • Casting Actors: Casting directors conduct auditions for each role required in the movie.
  • Assembling Crew Members: Under this stage, you need a professional, dedicated and talented crew, such as production designer, director, costume designer, makeup artists, etc.
  • Searching Location: Choosing the right locations play a pivotal role in making your film a success. You can leverage the beautiful beaches, landscapes, lush mountains, and scenic beauty of Australia to make your feature film.
  • Storyboarding: Believe it or not! Visual planning can help director shoot the entire movie without any hindrance. It can help them understand the camera angles, composition and other aspects of each scene.
  • Signing the Contracts: Legal agreements and contracts are essential for protecting the interest of the project. This includes location agreements, talent contracts, etc.

Step 3: Filmmaking: Production Stage

  • Principal Photography: The production stage clicks all the scenes and shots according to the script. The process can takes weeks and even months depending on your feature film.
  • Direction & Collaboration: The director helps actors to deliver their dialogues and guide the entire crew to transform ideas into a great scene.

Step 4: Post-Production Stage

  • Editing the Scenes or Film: Professional video editors edit the raw footage and convert it into the final feature film. They select the best takes, remove disturbances or glitches, arrange scenes according to the script to achieve a narrative flow.
  • VFX: This is the process of adding essential elements with special effects and CGI, such as adding landscapes, etc to bring friction story to life.
  • Sound Design: This includes everything ranging from dialogue editing to adding background music, etc.
  • Colour-Grading: It helps achieve the consistency and mood throughout the movie and deliver the most appealing visual aesthetics.

Step 5: Distribution and Marketing

Production houses in Melbourne or filmmakers find the right distribution strategy to reach to their audience. This includes theatrical releases, OTT steaming, or a combination of both.

Wrapping Up

These are the most crucial steps of making a fature film. It is good to keep these processes in mind and start your career as a successful filmmaker in Melbourne, Victoria.

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